Applewood Permaculture Centre

Regenerating lifestyles, landscapes and livelihoods

Our big vision & how we are making steps towards it

Welcome to Applewood Permaculture Centre

Our big vision is for an abundant and fair world where Earth and people are treated with respect.

Our mission (i.e. our positive steps to reach this big vision) is to provide inspiration, motivation and tools to enable people to be proactive in growing the ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares.

Join Chris & Looby for a course in 2024

Cultural Emergence Gathering

What is Permaculture?

Permacultre is a way of thinking about ourselves and the world differently. Through shifting our thinking and using the permaculture principles and design tools we are able to create the world we want.

While permaculture is often thought of as just a gardening and farming methods, it has many more applications for our well-being, effectiveness, community building, social structures, education, health-care and businesses.

What is Cultural Emergence?

Cultural Emergence is an invitation to create cultures of personal leadership, collective wisdom and Earth care.
It is a toolkit and book written by Looby Macnamara Emergence initiates breakthroughs that expand our thinking and enable us to build personal and collective resilience, and embody new ways of being and interacting. It nourishes and empowers us to design the world we want to live in.

Sign Up to the Applewood Permaculture Centre Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter and get a free PDF of the Cultural Emergence Principles Colouring Book created by Looby Macnamara

We'll keep you informed of the latest courses, news and exciting things happening here at Applewood Permaculture Centre

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Meet the Applewood Team

Looby Macnamara and Chris Evans own and run Applewood Permaculture Centre. They are highly experienced facilitators, designers and authors, who have dedicated their lifetime's work to developing and sharing regenerative solutions for people and the planet.

Looby has published 4 books; Cultural Emergence, People and Permaculture, 7 Ways to Think Differently and Strands of Infinity.

At Applewood we create learning environments that enable and empower people to bring forth their own gifts and wisdom to manifest positive change in their lives and communities. We run courses at our training and demonstration centre, Applewood Permaculture Centre as well as online and internationally.

Our Current Courses

applewood couses

Here is our Course List for 2024 - online & in person

You can see our 2025  list here

To let us know which course you would like to attend in 2024 please email Emma at

Or Check out our FAQ page here

Sign up to our newsletter below to be notified of new courses.

walking in the orchard

2024/25 Online Courses

Cultural Emergence Taster Course with Looby FREE: enroll any time

ACE - Activating Cultural Emergence Course with Looby: Enroll any time

Live Leading Mother Nature Circles Course  with Emma Gorbutt starts 23 September 2024

PEACE - Peace Empowerment And Cultural Emergence Course with Looby, Jon Young & Leona Johnson starts 16th October 2024

Group Diploma Adventure with Looby & Delvin next in take Autumn 2024

Design Adventure (online course) with Looby & Jon Young Coming early 2025


2024: In person Courses


Forest Gardening Course: with Chris 7-8th September

Cultural Emergence Gathering: with Looby 13-15th September

Advanced Design course: with Looby & Delvin Solkinson 20-22nd September


Apple Harvest & Juicing: with Chris  & Looby 3-7 October

Cultural Emergence Empowerment & Design Deck - The CEED Deck

Open for Orders

ceed deck

Looby has created a hand drawn card deck that shares thinking tools, design tools, connection tools and reflection tools. Each of the 96 cards has beautiful artwork and wisdom for playful engagement and easy access. While it is a great companion to Looby’s books, People and Permaculture and Cultural Emergence the deck is also accessible for those completely new to Cultural Emergence and permaculture.

The card deck is here and you can now order it directly from Looby! 

What is Permaculture?
What is Cultural Emergence?
Applewood Permaculture Centre