
18th -19th May 2019

Course Facilitator:

Chris Evans


Applewood Permaculture Centre, Herefordshire UK

Course Description

This is a 2-day introduction to the concept and techniques of forest gardening, involving theory and practice from visioning to harvesting, at a beautiful venue where they have started to be established over the past 2 years.

The 2-day course will cover:

  • Benefits of forest gardening
  • Site selection and design
  • Integration of permaculture principles and design process
  • Species selection
  • Plant propagation
  • Site preparation, establishment and maintenance; harvesting
  • Integration with other farm and garden systems

The course will include hands-on practicals in topics such as plant propagation (grafting, budding, layering, etc.), mulching, site surveying and design layout, and planting a forest garden.

The course will assist participants to visualize, plan, establish and continue to maintain, harvest and learn from a forest garden, be it at home or on someone else's land such as a community garden, school garden, etc.

You will be able to go home and start your journey into forest gardening, or be better informed to manage a forest garden that you have already started. And you’ll know how to continue your journey through research into existing literature and being part of an ever-growing network of forest gardeners in the UK

Anyone wanting to establish forest gardens by themselves or with others, privately or as a community venture

Truly inspirational. Really well paced with mix of indoor/outdoor, theory/practical. Feel equipped to make the next steps. Thank you so much!


Please bring food for shared lunch, cooking facilities available; teas/drinks & snacks provided

Participants coming from far afield are welcome to arrive on Friday evening

Please bring food for shared lunch, cooking facilities available (we'll make soup!); teas/drinks & snacks provided

Participants coming from further away are welcome to arrive on Friday evening - please let us know - and to stay over on the Saturday

Camping (£7 p.d.) or indoor accommodation (£15 p.d.) available on application

- please let us know your needs

Camping (£7 p.d.) or indoor accommodation (£15 p.d.) available on application


June 16th - 17th 2018

The course will begin on the morning of Saturday 16th June at 9.30am (please arrive by 9am to get settled in), and will finish on Sunday 17th at 5.30pm.


• Concessionary rate (3 places available for unemployed, pensioners & students, on a first-come first served basis) – £75

• Low-income rate (under £12k/year income) – £95

• Full rate – £125

We offer this sliding scale on an honesty basis and to try and make courses more available for low-income groups. We trust that you will pay what is right for you. Payment by installments are also accepted - please let us know.

Bring a Friend

Who do you know that could also benefit from learning about Forest Gardening? We offer a 10% discount on your course fee if you can bring a friend to attend the course (this offer is available any time after you book your own place, right up until the course starts).


Please contact Chris for further enquiries and booking

Email: Chris Evans

Landline: 01584 831195

Postcode is SY8 4JG - Orleton Common (more details provided on booking)

Facilitators & Venue

Chris BioChris lives at Applewood with his partner Looby and children Shanti and Teya. He has taught permaculture in the UK, Europe, Nepal, India, U.S.A. and Mexico. He is also a UK assessment level tutor for apprentices working towards their diploma in applied permaculture design with the Permaculture Association Britain.
The Venue
Applewood Permaculture Centre is a 20 acre smallholding. Looby and Chris are lucky to have this as their family home with their 2 daughters as well as a training centre. We have had the place since July 2016 so we are in the early days of observation and design ideas for setting this up as a demonstration centre. There are various teaching spaces, from heated yurt and barn space to outdoor marquee and open air. There are many diverse habitats here already; we have woodland, orchard, pasture, pool and gardens. Applewood is a tranquil sanctuary for wildlife and people alike. We are blessed with night times filled with owl hoots and immense starry skies that you’ll get to enjoy round an outside fire.