Cultural Emergence Leadership Training  2025

Empower yourself to contribute your gifts to the world

This course is about discovering yourself as a leader. This training will give you the confidence and skills to offer Cultural Emergence consultancy, courses and workshops. Using the Cultural Emergence Toolkit you will learn facilitation, design, coaching and mentoring skills.


Online March 2025- June 2026




Looby Macnamara with guests

group under grandmother oak

Course Description

The Cultural Emergence Leadership Training (CELT) is designed for those who want to step more fully into their leadership. This will mean different things for each of us. It is for those who want to take the Cultural Emergence toolkit into their communities. It is also for those who are already in leadership roles and who want to bring Cultural Emergence into their existing work.

This programme is being offered as an online training with optional in person opportunities to allow for global participation.

We welcome applications from anyone who has completed at least 2 of the 3 modules of Cultural Emergence. (and has the intention to complete the 3rd module within the year).

During our time together there will be guest facilitators and opportunities to have small group mentoring with them. They include Leona Johnson, Jon Young and Delvin Solkinson.

With the CELT you will build confidence, dispel limiting beliefs and become fluent in the Cultural Emergence tools. With the support of this learning community, Looby's mentorship and the input from guest facilitators you will flourish in connection.

group in the orchard

What you will learn

This course is about discovering yourself as a leader. What are the unique gifts that you can bring to the world? How can you mentor others and support them to shine? 

This training will give you the confidence and skills to offer Cultural Emergence consultancy and courses. You will learn facilitation, design, coaching and mentoring skills to use with the Cultural Emergence toolkit.

​​CELT will support you to design your unique path of visionary leadership.

Appreciation from Past participants


There is an undefinable magic that I’ve directly experienced on each other Cultural Emergence courses. Synchronicities, answers being channelled by others, though others. Supported by the magical cauldron of Applewood, we are very tangibly birthing a new story with this work. Thank you for beautiful space holding, love, songs, wisdom and friendship,. The food surpasses all compliments I can offer! Amazing.


 They truly created fertile grounds for a new emergence of life-affirming insights and sovereign-creative transformation as inner and eternal designers.

Thank you for your clarity, support, and tender-hearted visionary eyes!


This experience expanded my personal vision and capacity, and pushed me outside of my comfort zone in the best possible way.
I am so grateful that I signed up for this program, and would highly recommend the opportunity to spend time with these incredible mentors. Thank you for an incredibly inspiring life experience!!


Marie Pouli

Practical Information


March 2025- June 2026

We will be having monthly online gatherings on Weds evenings 7-9pm. (Different times might be considered if these times don't work with your timezones - please get in touch.)

March 12th, April 2nd, May 7th, Tues June 17th, July 2nd, no call in August, September 3rd, October 1st, November 12th, December 3rd. Dates in 2026 tbc

There will be small peer groups, and small group mentoring sessions throughout the year.

On the online platform there will be specific content for this group, plus a space for connection and sharing.

In person course opportunities

We recommend attending one of the in person courses at Applewood with Looby if you are able to. (we know that not all of our international group will be able to travel here, but if you are able to it will be wonderful to connect in person)

Our top recommendation is

Training of Teachers  course 4-13th June 2025 (this course is ideal to develop your facilitation skills) full details here

Other possibilities

Mothers as Natural Leaders (ideal for mothers who want to explore their leadership skills in this context) details here

ACE - Activating Cultural Emergence (discover how to facilitate groups with the CEED deck) details here

PEACE deep dive 24-29th June (a wonderful opportunity to nurture your nature connection journey) more details here

Cultural Emergence gathering (a chance to connect with others on their Cultural Emergence journey) details here

Advanced Design Course (enhance your design skills) details here


Facilitators & Venue

looby in a purple jumper

Looby Macnamara is co-developer of the Cultural Emergence toolkit with Jon Young. She is an experienced permaculture teacher, author and designer. She is author of 4 books, Cultural Emergence,  People and Permaculture and 7 Ways to Think Differently.

People and Permaculture is the first book to directly translate the principles and design methods of permaculture from land to people. Looby enjoys using creative teaching methods to create a fun and collaborative learning environment.

For regular updates and photos

see our facebook page