Forest Gardening Course - September 2025

Learn how to create & nurture a forest garden

This 2-day introduction to the concept and techniques of forest gardening involves theory and practice from visioning to harvesting, at a beautiful venue where they have started to be established over the past 5 years. You will be able to go home and start your journey into forest gardening, or be better informed to manage a forest garden that you have already started.

If you can't make the dates we have a second course in May 2025 here


6th-7th September 2025


£95 - £145


Chris Evans

forest garden

Course Description

The 2-day course will cover:

  • Benefits of forest gardening
  • Ecological principles
  • Site selection and design
  • Integration of permaculture principles and design process
  • Species selection
  • Plant propagation
  • Site preparation, establishment and maintenance; harvesting
  • Integration with other farm and garden systems
Forest Gardening

What you will learn

The course will include hands-on practicals in topics such as plant propagation (grafting, budding, layering, etc.), mulching, site surveying and design layout, and planting a forest garden.
The course will assist participants to visualize, plan, establish and continue to maintain, harvest and learn from a forest garden, be it at home or on someone else's land such as a community garden, school garden, etc.

You will be able to go home and start your journey into forest gardening, or be better informed to manage a forest garden that you have already started. And you’ll know how to continue your journey through research into existing literature and being part of an ever-growing network of forest gardeners in the UK

Appreciation from Past participants


Thanks for a lovely weekend! You have given me lots of food for thought and confidence to crack on with projects. Maria

It feels so good to be back at Applewood. This space continues to be a seedbed of learning - sorting seeds all over the place. And I will do everything I can to carry and plant as many seeds as I can. Sam

Truly inspirational. Really well paced with mix of indoor/outdoor, theory/practical. Feel equipped to make the next steps. Thank you so much!

I found great Ideas, Information and Inspiration

Practical Information


6th - 7th September 2025 

The course will run over the weekend beginning in the morning on the Saturday at 9.30am (please arrive by 9am to get settled in), and will finish on the Sunday at 5.30pm.


Facilitators & Venue

Chris Evans

Chris lives at Applewood with his partner Looby and children Shanti and Teya. He has taught permaculture in the UK, Europe, Nepal, India, U.S.A. and Mexico. He is also a UK assessment level tutor for apprentices working towards their diploma in applied permaculture design with the Permaculture Association Britain.

For regular updates and photos

see our facebook page